⚒️Manage Validators [API]

Manage your validators via API

To modify the validator dashboard via API, make sure to have an active Orca subscription. After creating a validator dashboard and the desired validator groups through the User Interface, you can add and assign validators to groups using our API.

  • For Holesky, please adjust the base URL to: v2-beta-holesky.beaconcha.in

  • The Group ID can be found in the Group Manage modal on the Dashboard

  • During our beta the API key will only be visible in the account settings on https://beaconcha.in/user/settings#api

  • Pass the API key as a parameter api_key

    • https://v2-beta-holesky.beaconcha.in/api/v2/validator-dashboards/{dashboard_id}/validators?api_key=KEY

Last updated